Terms And Conditions
These terms apply to all usage of this site, including but not limited to comments, discussion forums and story submission.
- Be responsible. No spam or advertisements.
- Be civil and respectful. No foul language, name-calling, stereotyping or threats. We can agree to disagree but the point of this site is not to force any particular viewpoint on anyone. We strive to educate, inform, enlighten and create community.
- Be compassionate. These stories are very difficult to share. The women who have opened up their lives to all of us don’t need your advice, they need your support and deserve your respect.
- Be anonymous (if you choose to). I don’t need to know your name or where you live in order to hear your story. I just need you to be honest and willing to share.
- Be honest. One of the goals of this site is to de-sensationalize and humanize the issues surrounding complicated pregnancies. Exaggerations of the truth are unnecessary. Everyone’s story is important in its own way and doesn’t need to be compared or contrasted against another’s.